For some reason the HDR or Hyper Dimensional Resonator works best on a full moon. We are currently not sure of the reason. Perhaps this has to do with lunar tidal forces and gravitation waves. It is known that gravity waves affect both time and space. It could also be that the HDR generates scalar waves.
Steven Gibbs told me to use an HDR at 6am on a day of full moon. At daybreak in the morning. This the best time I suppose. |
Well, this is why I use HDR on a full moon. That said it also works on other days, but not as well according to the inventor of this device of mine. Hope that things get better for us... Well, so far the look like they are getting worse. I have been doing many experiments with caduceus coils to gauge the HDR power. It seems to have more of an effect on the day of a full moon.
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