HDRKID Radio Shack Prediction

Expect the world to change a lot in the next few years.

Back in 2005, HDRKID predicted that Radio Shack would go bankrupt before December 31, 2019 and so would sears. Well, Radio shack went bankrupt in 2015 and again this year. Yeah, they are not long for our universe.

I remember being told by my teacher that the future was flying cars... men on mars. Well, instead we see that we have a future where most people are poor. They have no money. Ah yes, we have failed factories and abandoned warehouses, and closed malls that are boarded up.

Still, we know that HDRKID says that Steven Gibbs told him back in 2001 that radio shack was not around in the future and he has trouble getting parts to build his amazing HDR units so there we are.

Few can remember how things once were. After all, radio shack back in 2005 made money. 2006 saw them make even more money. Debunkers laughed at the prediction saying that it was all doom and gloom and that we would continue to prosper. Few did notice that a bridge was out just around the corner. Please do take a look at all the empty malls and understand that most will close soon. Friends, it is not just sears. A lot of stores are seeing decreases in revenue. Basically, things get worse every year.

John Titor talked about a nuclear war. Well, there was none. In fact, 2015 came... Things are almost the same. Sadly, people do not wake up. Politicians are going to lie to you. Folks, we are not in a recovery. Instead, we are in an on going recession. It will destroy most of our malls and I predict a lot of stores will close in coming years. Most items at radio shack were over price.  Quality of most was poor. Yeah, they were notorious for under delivering and over promising. America's technology store is no more.

Most malls use to have anchor stores such as sears. Well, those days are soon over. Customers are staying home because they have no money. After all, we have a decrease in wages. That is because our jobs were sent over seas. With less companies to tax, the government increases taxes on workers some more. OK, so the result is the workers are forced to cut back on expenses. Do witness the malls closing all around us. 

Steven Gibbs did warn us. His prediction did come true and so have many more. Expect to see a decrease in real wages. Also, malls will not be a common experience. They will enjoy a lot less consumers. Did we say enjoy. Not sure on that one. Things are certainly taking a turn for the worse. 

Wake up!

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