What are moneyyards? Put simply -- these global pits of plenty, are the world's treasure troves. A storehouse for a time of trouble. Similar to a farmers granary or root cellar. Well, the cupboard is bare. Its stash of cash for a rainy day is gone. And brother it is raining now. This is part of our tool kit to deal with adversity. |
Global moneyyards like the one in New York City are seeing that people are taking their money out. This lack of confidence is causing an economic crisis. Banks do not lend, insurance companies refuse to write new policies, and firms hold back on expansions. The whole world is in a state of panic. |
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It is vital that we realize how bad things are. There is no more - business as usual. Big firms like sears could go under in the next few years. As people pause, the retail sector stalls. Global moneyyards are now looking a bit threadbare. The shine of gold coins is going to lure people who have lost faith in the dollar. You should go for the gold as it has been a store of value for centuries. I believe that that the moneyyard itself is causing our economic crisis. This is because we depend on foreign loans and constantly print more and more green pieces of paper.
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I predict that the cost of fuel will go up in the future. It has to. For one the dollar will be worth less than now, and for another we hit peak oil in 2005. Each year we get less oil out of the ground. With an increase in fuel costs an already sputtering economic engine will die. |
It is very ironic that the economic engine of america, in the area of manufacturing, known as motown or Detroit, is already in its last death throws. What made us an industrial powerhouse is now like a terminal cancer patient on life support. The life of this patient is being extended, but you can hear the death rattle in his throat. There is not enough money in all the moneyyards of the world to keep this one alive.
We can use - Telecommuting to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but our need for foreign moneyyards is what keeps us from growing the economy. Moneyyards are a concept that causes economic crisis. Return to HDRusers index